About Stephen

"He who knows all the answers, has not been asked all the questions." - Confucius

My Story

Lawyering has been an incredible and rewarding journey, but  writing  has sparked a fire deep within that rages uncontrollably.  I have a million stories to tell; my goal is to share a few — and if I move at least one person along the way, it will have been worthwhile.  Life is wonderful, exhilarating and meaningful — full of love; however,  evil, darkness and humanity’s failings interlope in our paradise.  I want to discuss them all!                  

Personal Life

Stephen, his wife Michelle, and their two children reside in beautiful Stratford, Ontario, Canada.  Stratford boasts the world-renowned Stratford Festival  and the tranquil Avon River that flows through the city’s core. 

Stephen's books

Innocence on Trial

Amazing! I practically read it in one sitting…The plot is brilliant! And the characters are fantastic…What a great debut! – Nilton Teixeira, Goodreads 

The Perfect Season

I actually had to give myself time to stop crying and emotionally recover before I could move on with anything else. –  Jessica Netzke

Innocence on Trial

Well-written and hugely provocative…It’s brilliant, startling plot twists make it memorable as a legal thriller -Romuald Dzemo

"If I can touch just one person, every step of my writing journey will have been worth it."

Stephen Roth
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